We live and breathe innovative building services engineering, tailored to your project

Expertise, years of experience, flexibility, punctuality, cost awareness and total commitment: these are the qualities that have made us so successful in our consulting, planning and construction management for technical building equipment since 1996. We’re building engineers through and through. We’re in our element when we’re taming fire, water, earth and air.

With roots in Baden-Württemberg, our specialists plan and execute projects at four locations

Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt a. M. and Hüfingen Intelligent technical building services concepts for the industries:

  • Office
  • Pharmaceuticals / food
  • Research and development / lab
  • Industry / production
  • Publishers and media companies
  • Hospitals and social institutions
  • Housing construction and hotels

in a national and international setting.

Our company



Tradition, team spirit and unforgettable experiences

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A warm welcome: Our new trainees at the Hüfingen and Berlin sites

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An innovative neighbourhood with 300 flats is to be built above an motorway in Düsseldorf, which will not seal any additional space, will be built…

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In our latest interview, our CEO Stefan Ballmer gives exclusive insights into his impressive career path and talks about what drives him as a person…

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Luca successfully completed his training as a technical system planner this month!

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Following the renovation and expansion of our offices in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main over the last two years, it is now the turn of our…

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On 11 June, our working student, Tugay Firat, passed his final milestone towards his Bachelor's degree.

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Lasting relationships

Wir arbeiten bei KSP ENGEL bereits seit vielen Jahren bei sehr anspruchsvollen Projekten mit dem Ingenieurbüro Liebert erfolgreich und vertrauensvoll zusammen. Aktuell freuen wir uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit, bei einer äußerst spannenden Sanierungsaufgabe eines Großprojektes in Düsseldorf und drücken uns gemeinsam die Daumen, dass wir in diesem Verfahren am Ende erfolgreich in die eigentliche Hochbauplanung noch 2023 durchstarten dürfen. Wir wünschen dem hochengagierten Büroinhaber, Herrn Thomas Liebert, mit seinem gesamten Team weiterhin viel Erfolg und freuen uns auf zukünftige, gemeinsame berufliche Herausforderungen.

Sebastian Schöll,
Geschäftsführer - KSP Engel GmbH


We have come to know Mr Liebert as a knowledgeable, responsive and decisive partner. That’s what really helps us in situations with clients.
We will be very glad if Liebert continues to accompany us to the cities where we work.
We’re sure to undertake plenty more projects with Liebert in the future. Never change a winning team.

Marco Witte,
Managing director – WITTE Projektmanagement GmbH

The skill and confidence with which Thomas Liebert and his team approach complex projects enriches every one of them. They think about the whole picture, advise clients well, and are a dependable partner for us in project management. All that helps projects succeed. They’re straightforward, they always work towards the goal, plan everything well, communicate clearly and can be relied on. Those aren’t things you find everywhere.

Sascha Thran,
Managing director – WITTE Projektmanagement GmbH


“At IE Industrial Engineering Group, we really appreciate working with the Liebert team. Demanding projects, some of them in the life science and medical sectors, are dealt with carefully, punctually and accurately, all the way to the creation of a joint BIM model. The Liebert team are top-class planners and Thomas Liebert is someone I consider totally dependable.”

Matthias Jacubasch,
Managing Director – IE Engineering Group


“Ingenieurbüro Liebert and HIH Real Estate have been working together closely and successfully for over ten years. That alone is quite something. What we appreciate about the Liebert team isn’t just their high expertise, it’s the way they’re always so friendly and engaging with everyone involved in planning. That’s what helps make our projects so successful. Even the most complex challenges are worked through constructively to a viable solution, so we always feel very well advised in the sensitive area of technical building services planning.”

Manuel Richter,
Project developer / authorised signatory – HIH Projektentwicklung GmbH


We’ve been working with Ingenieurbüro Liebert for a long time. There’s one thing I’ve learned over that time. Whenever we’ve commissioned a different engineering firm – for whatever reason – we’ve always ended up missing Ingenieurbüro Liebert. So I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them.

Alexander Aisenbrey,
Hotel Director – The Öschberghof


Working with Ingenieurbüro Liebert is always about focussing together on the best possible outcome. The mutual trust that has grown over the years ensures that criticism and mistakes are dealt with openly and that the focus is always on the success of the project.

Hendrik Dusny,
Managing director – WITTE Projektmanagement GmbH

Ingenieurbüro Liebert are punctual, capable and highly flexible.
The ideal project for Ingenieurbüro Liebert is complex and has tight deadlines and a tight budget.

Thomas Fischer,
Project Manager – IE Industrial Engineering München GmbH

The commitment and passion that Mr Liebert puts into his work is absolutely invaluable.
There are few firms with so much expertise and professionalism, that work so hard for their clients and that can even get people enthusiastic about building technology. When you find a company like that, you try to keep hold of them.

Professor Uwe Frerichs,
Former Managing Director, Omnicon

Mr Liebert is always ready to listen and always enthusiastic about meeting customer needs. I cannot imagine that we will not be calling on them again for future projects.
It helps a lot when your business partners are decided on from the outset. That way you can benefit the most from their expertise. Building services are becoming increasingly important with every project we do, especially in light of all today’s restrictions. You can’t waste energy indiscriminately, so it’s essential to develop all-round concepts. Ingenieurbüro Liebert have been extremely creative in that respect and their approach was entirely convincing, which was helpful for everybody.

Dr Dietmar Scheidler,
Authorised signatory – Omnicon

Thanks to Ingenieurbüro Liebert, we saved almost a million euros on one project alone.
Ingenieurbüro Liebert doesn’t take a standard approach or follow simple routines. They have a concept which they’re willing to keep on improving. They try to understand what we will be doing once the plant is finished.
Planning meetings are efficiently run. You don’t have to talk for hours and hours; they always get quickly to the point. They present things extremely clearly so that I can make my decisions quickly.

Christophe Barth,
Former Managing Director – Burda Media Group

“They’re extremely skilled and very willing to tackle complex issues – and they deliver punctually – even if there’s a big workload and staffing is short. The service and skills which Ingenieurbüro Liebert bring to the table are of the highest calibre.”

Marc Holzhausen,
Member of the Executive Board – Becken Development GmbH

We’ve enjoyed working successfully with Ingenieurbüro Liebert for a number of years. We have mutual respect for each other’s professional competence, we work together on equal terms and you always get a sense of striving together towards the same goal. Ingenieurbüro Liebert are ambitious, they always work towards solutions, and we appreciate their professional expertise as much as the quality of what they produce. The same can be said about the other partners they brought into the team. Together we have succeeded in completing the planning of an extremely complex inner-city office building, and we look forward to working on projects with them in the future.

Stephanie Webs,
Associate Director – Caruso St John Architects LLP

I can only report on one office project which is currently in the construction phase and for which we have commissioned Ingenieurbüro Liebert for all of its phases. They have an expert, motivated team, from management, to the project managers, to the planners. There’s a combination of experienced and young, dynamic staff who can respond very quickly and flexibly when needed, which makes things very easy for the client. It’s important to me that any disagreements that arise, wherever they may come from in the planning team, are resolved by the whole team without any backchat or blame. Ingenieurbüro Liebert embraced this philosophy immediately. If the project continues like this through to the end, then I can only hope that Liebert has space for more of my projects in the future.

Christian Stephan,
Quantum - Projektentwicklung GmbH



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