Working students
As a working student, you can work part-time on exciting and varied projects during term time. You’ll be able to apply your theoretical knowledge to practical work and your practical experience will find its way back into your studies. And who knows – maybe we’ll be so impressed by your talent that we’ll offer you a permanent position...
Dual study programme at DHBW
If you want to combine studying, practical experience and a salary right from the get-go, the best option is to apply for a ‘Duales Studium’ or dual study programme. The dual study programme is divided into three-month theoretical and practical phases. DHBW University will teach you theoretical knowledge which you can then apply and deepen during the practical phase with us.
We offer the following course in collaboration with DHBW’s Horb Campus:
Mechanical engineering, supply and energy management
The course lasts for three years and leads to an internationally recognised Bachelor’s degree if you pass the final examinations. If interested, you can apply to us for the coming training year starting this autumn.
Want to write your Bachelor’s, Diploma or Master’s dissertation with us? Our experienced engineers will help you to build the right content into it. You can work with us on a current project for six months. As well as writing your dissertation, you’ll have plenty of time to gain lots of valuable experience in a highly practical setting.
Want to join our team as a student? Then simply get in touch.
We look forward to seeing what you have to say in your application.
Feel free to contact us.
We look forward to meeting you.
Mrs Anna Gross
Human Resources
Phone: +49 771 158979-0
E-Mail: jobs(at)
Just contact us.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Mrs Moesha Ashanti Agbonkhese
Human Resources
Phone: +49 771 158979-0
E-Mail: jobs(at)